A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.

Ample support,
effective integration!

Looking for a turnkey or customised solution? Our experts ensure a fast and easy integration.
FLOA Pay Votre accompagnement

Activate FLOA in 2 weeks*

Here are the key steps!

Infographie-integration-desktop EN.svg
Infographie-integration-mobile ENG.svg

Paying is not a problem, it's a solution

Always at your side

We provide you with daily support after our solutions have been integrated. Our industry expertise is mobilised to serve your needs.

Workshop 1.

Data, Score, Risk

Based on collected data (customer, basket, payment, device), our IT and Data teams calculate a score for your sales with FLOA.

Workshop 2.


Our Anti-Fraud teams use a special tool to build an accurate model.

Workshop 3.


We will build a marketing kit for you, containing a guide to promote your brand on the FLOA website, a book outlining the regulations and compliance requirements, FLOA logos, and templates of emails that will be sent after each order.

Workshop 4.


Our technical team analyses your specific needs and provides a detailed explanation of how our FLOA API works.

Workshop 5.


Our expert Financing team provides you with all the details on how to finance purchases with FLOA.

+1 customer success manager assigned to monitor your performances:

Icone FLOA Pay managing operations

Manage operations with dashboard

Dashboard to analyse your business performance. Bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly: you decide. Complete business review every quarter.

Icone Optimisation solution

Solution optimisation

Using data and fraud modeling. Adjust the solution to boost your conversion rate and limit fraud.

Icone Sales event

Sales event

Definition of no-fee 3 and 4 instalment payments. Mobilisation of all communication points to reach new customers.

A dedicated space to manage and facilitate your transactions

Order management

Use our tool to simulate monthly payments for an order, create and manage your orders, and keep up with any cancellations.

Accountant management

Easily master past, current and future trends, for a more intuitive approach to managing your business.


Save time with our clear, user-friendly dashboards developed by our UX experts.

Customer support

Rest assured, our teams are available to contact via several channels (phone, email).

Unique features

Floa Pay features
  • Pre-score: boost your conversion rate

    Our customer scoring expertise guarantees you a near 100% acceptance rate. Pre-scoring is used to decide whether or not to display the payment solution based on the customer profile.

  • Whitelist

    Customer profiles added to a "whitelist" will have access to an automatic payment solution.

  • Personalised financing management

    Adapt the payment method and due dates to your business model: partial delivery, payment when the order is confirmed, shipped or delivered.

Request a demo

Want to give FLOA a try? Contact our teams for a live demo of our service!

Request a demo