A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.

Travel & Tourism

Discover the partners who have come to rely on our Buy Now Pay Later solution to create unforgettable trips and holidays. 

Our success stories
Travel & Tourism
  • center parcs
  • E Leclerc voyages
  • Cdiscount voyages
  • maeva
  • Mister fly
  • Logitravel
center parcs

Center Parcs

Center Parcs offers nature getaways in forested settings. With comfortable and well-equipped accommodation, a broad range of activities, and tropical aquatic spaces, Center Parcs provides an unforgettable holiday experience for the entire family. Customers can effortlessly book their next stay using our convenient 3 and 4 instalment payment solution(1). 

Partner with FLOA

All our travel and tourism partners

Logo Veepee

Veepee Voyage

Veepee Voyage sells exclusive trips at unbeatable prices, offering their customers our 3 and 4 instalment payment solutions(2). 

Visit the partner website
Logo Leclerc Voyages

Leclerc Voyages

Leclerc Voyages offers exclusive trips, as well as our 3 and 4 instalment payment solution2. 

Visit the partner website

The cost of trips and holidays can be spread across multiple instalments3,thanks to our solution. 

Visit the partner website

MisterFly enables customers to book flights and hotels with our payment solution4. 

Visit the partner website

Thanks to our payment solution, Siblu offers family holidays which can be paid for over multiple instalments5.

Visit the partner website

Pierre & Vacances customers can book their trips and pay over multiple instalments(6. 

Visit the partner website

Maeva offers our solution to pay for holiday rentals in multiple instalments7.

Visit the partner website

Pay for luxury holidays in 4 instalments8, with our payment solution. 

Visit the partner website

Contact our Travel & Tourism sales representatives* 

Cyril Cauchois / Gauthier Couillet

Do you run a business in the Travel & Tourism sector? Our specialised advisors are available to help you integrate split payment solutions. Customer management made easy. Offer your customers the ultimate payment experience! 

Contact them

Discover our success stories

No-fee payment in 4 instalments to stimulate holiday bookings post COVID.

Read the success story

Integrating our payment solution into the customer experience 

Read the success story

Request a demo

Would you like to try the FLOA offering? Contact our teams for a live demo of our service! 

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